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Ukraine suite 2022/23

just click any image to enlarge

всегда готов - always ready.jpg
период перехода - time of transition.jpg
i буде мир ll - and there shall be peace II BAT.jpg
для детей - For the Children.jpg

“Peace breeds love, love bleeds peace and the world longs to bleed”

These are the words written by Irish troubadour Foy Vance in “Hope, Peace and Love” (used with kind permission…thanks as always Foy) and I keep coming back to them time and time again. What they say totally relates to this suite of six new works , each made in a day, one each week for the first six weeks of the invasion of Ukraine in 2022.


“Though these are difficult works, they are not without hope”* There is one work for each of the first six weeks of war in Ukraine and the final work, “i буде мир - and there shall be peace” holds fast to that hope.


вторжение - Invasion

всегда готов - Always Ready 

период перехода - Time of Transition 

провокация -Provocation

зажигательный - Incendiary 

i буде мир - And There Shall be Peace 


*Elizabeth Mahoney review of my solo exhibition Sacred Science (2001)

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